
We are a registered Charity ref 702874 and like all Charities, Fundraising is a key activity.

Our main annual event is the Bedding Plant sales completed in May. This is a great community event and eagerly anticipated by regular repeat customers. Unfortunately, due to Covid we have not been able to run the bedding plant sales in 2020 or 2021.

Fundraising is typically for projects around the Scout Hall and grounds. The Hall was opened in 1991 and is in need of a number of actions.

Our Project Plans include:

  • An access ramp from the car park to facilitate wider use of the Scout Hall and Grounds.
  • New double glazing and doors (from single glaze wooden frame units).
  • Replacing fluorescent lighting with lower operating cost LED lights.
  • Bricking in a wooden door off the garage that is no longer required.
  • Renewing the roller shutter door to the garage.
  • Replacing the three under-sink water heater systems with a dedicated water heater/storage system.
  • Installing a monitor for rolling news items in our entrance lobby.
  • Installing a Wi-Fi network to facilitate modern communications.
  • Upgrading the alarm system to include CCTV monitoring.
  • Installing a dedicated firepit.
  • Replacing the last of the original pear trees (the land was originally a farmer’s orchard).

There are several ways to help us raise funds at no cost to you.

Whenever you buy anything online – whether it is your weekly shop, Black Friday sales or next year’s big holiday – you could be raising free donations for our Group 21st Warrington West (1st Appleton) through charity cashback sites (see links below to Easy Fundraising and Amazon Smile)

We will also use this page to show you where you can nominate us for grants or prize draws that are specifically for charity Groups.

Another way to support us is through Matched Funds or Gift Matching at work. For example, when our Kitchen was refurbished a £200 donation from a member was matched with £200 from their company General Electric and we were also able to claim £50 Gift Aid, so the initial £200 became £450!

Many organisations have a Matched Funding policy for employees, whereby staff are able to nominate a charity they would like their employer to donate money to. In this way companies match the amount of money raised by an event run by the charity. For example, if our bedding plant sale fundraising event raised £3,000, a company with a Matched Funding policy may also donate an additional £3,000, therefore raising a total amount of £6,000 to benefit the whole Group.

We understand that many high street banks, building societies, supermarkets, other retailers and large corporations are likely to offer matched funding, but these schemes are not exclusive to the major corporate giants. If you work for an independent company, they may be interested in charitable giving through matched funding too.

We would be grateful if you could please see if your employer, or perhaps members of your family (this may even be Aunt or Uncles) or friend’s employers, offer a matched funding scheme or if they are willing to match fund for any of the events that we organise. We would be delighted to hear from you and of course we would help with any requirements that would enable us to become eligible, for example if a matched funding company requires a letter confirming the date and nature of a fund raising event and the total raised.


  1. Go to and join for free (using this link means we can earn an extra £5 when your purchases generate £5 in donations).
  2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping; over 4000 online retailers have signed up.
  3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to 21st Warrington West Scout Group at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
  4. There is also an App and a reminder tool you can download to make it easier to ensure more of your online purchases count!

Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile is a way to shop on Amazon just as you would do normally, but a small percentage of the value of your purchases is given to our Scout Group – at no cost to you! How good is that?!

Same products, same prices, same service.

And Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases.

Please click the image below to shop using Amazon Smile and help support our Group.

It would make a huge difference to all the children in the Group! Thank you so much if you are able to support us!

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III