Explorer Scouts
We have one Explorer Scout Unit that meets at our Scout Hall – Aztec ESU on Tuesday nights, from 7.30 – 9.30pm.
Explorer Scouts are 14 – 18 years old. Explorers are organised and run by the District Scouting team, but it is great to have a Unit based at our Scout Hall for our Scouts to progress to.
Explorer Scouts are encouraged to lead themselves in deciding the programme and direction of the Unit, with support and guidance from leaders. There is wider scope for activities like offshore sailing, campaigning, performing, parascending, mountaineering and expeditions.
The section also includes the Young Leaders’ Scheme, where young people are able to take on a leadership role in one of the younger sections.
We are also supportive of those involved in Duke of Edinburgh scheme and can offer them places to complete the service element of their Awards
To find out about joining, or for further information then contact us.